The articles in the blog are opinions and/or statistics and/or referenced facts. We are not going to debate with anyone on any topic. Our quizzes are for entertainment purposes only. We are not employed by any medical agencies. Right Way 24 is the owner/administrator/operator of this website. We write all of the content on the website.  If we are quoting or referencing someone else, we state that and provide links. We will tell you exactly who you are talking to if you contact us. If you are hostile or inappropriate, we will not reply to you. We will also bar you from contacting us further. We may have several affiliate marketing links throughout the website and may post a few promotional ads. But, we created this website with the intention of helping people. You are very important to us and we take these matters seriously and professionally.  Everything done on this website is confidential. We are here for you. We are always available if anyone wants to contact us. We want to thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate you and we are open to any suggestions you might have for how we can improve our site. Please leave a comment or contact us by submitting our contact form. Again, thank you very much and God bless.






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